Our washing machine is located outside in a little shed-like thingy. Which makes it handy for line drying. And line drying rules, especially here...it takes about 5 seconds to dry a load of clothes!
I just went out to check on the load going & as I went to lift the handle up to open it, the BIGGEST and I do mean passport-sized (that is the closest thing in front of me to compare it to) spider crawled out. I almost touched it!!!! It was on top of the machine. I jumped back & he was gooone. Nimble & quick. Aren't they supposed to be clumsy the bigger they are?!
So now, he is gone. Where to? Trying to find a way into our house? Into my bed???
I told Rob via gmail chat & his response:
i imagine he is probably emailing the same thing to his wife right now "you should have seen this human, she was huge, it freaked me out man! i'm not going back to the laundry machine, no friggin' way. Those humans are scary"
I wish I had gotten a photo. That was my 2nd thought. The 1st one being "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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