A few reasons:
--Having fingernail problems due to a HUGE mistake of getting fake nails put on in the USA...this makes typing not a whole lot of fun. (never again...)
--I have been trying to think of something interesting to blog about. I want to write about things that my readers want to read. I hate being mundane or redundant so I have been brain storming. I can see why photo blogs are much easier for daily updates. Too bad I am not a stellar photographer.
--I have been living life. Trying to stay away from the computer more. It is such a time sucker for me. I need to learn moderation.
--It is Eid holiday & Rob is off work for the week ( & I am giving the girls a break from school as well) so we have been enjoying more family time.
I will try to write something substantial soon but until then...while you are enjoying your many flavors of delicious ice cream, know that THIS ain't no Blue Bell!!!!
When I had fake nails you can buff,sand or file them on top till they get very very thin. Then they come off very easily when soaking them with no damage to your natural nail. Sorry to hear your fingers hurt so badly.